Juan Ramon Jimenez *There was no one*
from *Ten Centuries of Spanish Poetry* (Grove Press)
-There was no one. Water.- No one?
And is the water no one?-There
is no one. The flower. Is there no one?
But , the flower. Is it no one?
-There is no one. It was the wind.- No one?
But, the wind, is it no one?- There
is no one. Illusion.- Is there no one?
And is illusion no one?
(tr. Eleanor L. Turnbull)
No era nadie
-No era nadie. El agua.- Nadie?
Que no es nadie el agua?- No
hay nadie. Es la flor. No hay nadie?
Pero, no es nadie la flor?
-No hay nadie. Era el viento.- Nadie?
No es el viento nadie?- No
hay nadie. Illusion.- No hay dadie?
Y no es nadie la illusion?