Distribution Automatique

Friday, February 17


Nakedness is universally fascinating except for the naked truth- which must be considered boring- since it is always decked out in controversy, or at least wit.


Everyone knows what to say- no one knows what to do- except for those who do not care what they say and shoot first.

Tuesday, February 14


Beware the sly generosity of the thief who freely distributes the right to steal.


If someone takes what is yours you have less, but if you forfeit your generosity you lose everything.


Flattery and deceit paint a fine smile on imitation's lips in deception's hall of mirrors.


The lighthouse is far away and dim on the shores of mistrust's lonely latitudes


Sunday, February 12


People go to extremes in order to be different. But the remarkable differences are the subtle ones.


Life creates immense variety- but all endings are the same.


No two thoughts are exactly alike- until someone writes them down.


All books exist to end in a thought.


I read to understand feelings.
I write to understand thoughts.
Sometimes talking helps me to understand what I need to know or do.
But if I want to just understand I stay quiet.


Understanding is like gladly coming to the end of a chapter of a book you've been totally absorbed in. But still, you don't want the book to end.