The Desert Island Bookshelf Company Presents
Another list of books Nick would take with him to a desert island
(actually this IS a desert island- every inch of it! A very wet desert island.)
Theresa Hak Kyung Cha "Dictee"
"A Book of Correspondances for Jack Spicer" edited by David Levi Strauss and Benjamin Hollander
The Notebooks of Samuel Butler
Ernesto Livon Grosman, editor "The XUL Reader, An Anthology of Argentine Poetry, 1980-1996
Alan Sondheim "Disorders of the Real"
Anselm Berrigan "Zero Star Hotel"
Michel Foucault "Fearless Speech"
Chet Baker "As Though I Had Wings" the lost memoir
Theodore Adorno "The Culture Industry"
John Ashbery "Wakefulness"
Robert Sheckley "Draconian New York"
Robert Fitterman "Metropolis 1-15"
Jack Spicer "After Lorca"
Rachel Levitsky "Under the Sun"
E.M.Cioran "A Short History of Decay"
Jackson MacLow "Twenties"
Stephen-Paul Martin "Fear and Philosophy"
Cydney Chadwick "Inside The Hours"
Patrick Durgin "Sorter"
WRD Fairbairn "Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality"
John D. Sutherland, "Faibairn's Journey into the Interior"
David Markson, "Reader's Block"
Tom Raworth, "Collected Poems"
Henry David Thoreau "Civil Disobediance" (extremely important on desert islands, by the way)
Whitman, Poems
Christian Bok, "Eunoia"
Daniel Davidson, "Culture"
Patrick Durgin, "Color Music"
Michel de Certeau, "Hetroogies, Discourse on the Other"
Michel de Certeau, "The Practice of Everyday Life"
Barrett Watten, "The Turn to Language and the 60's," Critical Inquiry, Fall 2002, Volume 29, Number 1
Ernesto Livon Grosman, "The XUL Reader, An Anthology of Argentine Poetry, 1980-1996
The Notebooks of Samuel Butler
Drew Gardner, "Sugar Pill"
Claudette Sartiliot, "Citation and Modernity: Derrida, Joyce, Brecht"