Distribution Automatique

Friday, May 11

On My Desk

Joshua Corey, *Selah*, Barrow Street Press, 2003, Barrow Steet Poetry Prize selected by Robert Pinksky

"I refused to stoop to your level.
I was only lips on the stoop.
I was a life-support system for a scream.
I was a brain in a vat of Fresca.
I was an eyeball in a ziplock bag of eyeballs.

I was neuron, twitch. I was detached.
You straddled past and put me in your pocket.
Kept walking. You burst into sun

and disappeared."


William Worringer, *Abstraction and Empathy*: A Contribution to the Psychology of Style*, International Universities Press, (1908, first published in the US 1933, reprinted 1980)

"The enfeeblement of the world-instinct, modest contentment with an external orientation within the world-picture, is always accompanied by the strengthening of the urge to empathy, which is latently present in every human, and held in check only by the 'dread of space', by the urge to abstraction. Anxiety diminished, confidence grows, and now, for the first time, the outer world begins to live and it receives all its life from man, who now anthropomorphises all its inner essence, all its inner forces.The sensation of oneself-in-things naturally sharpens the feeling for the inexpressibly beautiful content of organic form, and paths are revealed to artistic volition, and paths of artistic naturalism, for which the natural model merely serves as a substratum to the will to form that is guided by its feeling for the organic. Now the artist learns 'to apprehend every random form as a theatre within which to experience the joy of moving hither and thither in the company of nameless forces.' (Lotze, *Geschichte der Asthhetik*, 75).

Brooklyn Rail/May

Art Seen/Brooklyn Rail: Susan Bee


Diary/blog by Tan Lin- The Brooklyn Rail


Gary Sullivan's New Comic!



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