Distribution Automatique

Monday, October 11

Right now on Sundance (cable tv station):
REM and Bruce Springsteen
singing together at a Wash, DC benefit for the
Kerry/Edwards ticket.
Vote for change {click here}
(also webcast)

The Dixie Chicks: "Put an end to mad cowboy disease."

Busy with lots of non-blog or poetry-related work lately,
but I am very much looking forward to telling you all about
an excellent new work: poems with art on a full deck
of cards, by Seattle based poet Jeffrey Encke,
titled *Most Wanted*; the reference to the (in)famous
deck passed around in Iraq, evidentally, of *Most Wanted*
criminals, is ironic, though the electrifying blurb by
Tony Tost caught my eye, and attracted me all the more:

"Jeff Encke is going to get us all arrested. How do we
love our enemies? Like lovers? Encke walks a tightrope
between empathy and promiscuity. His poems are a primer
course on how to stay human in a dark time."

-Tony Tost, author of Invisible Bride.

the Ace of Spades: "to discern space/with a door/
with a wall/ the nation of our love"

More very soon on this fine and most
collectible item, including contact info.

Most Wanted {click here}