Distribution Automatique

Saturday, September 4

this journal blug {click here}
today cited a significant typo on a recent post here.
Why wouldn't a blog that calls itself a blug
not appreciate a typo that might deserve to become a manifesto:

"alll forms of arf (at least indirectly) refer to all forms of media"
(see 4th note below on Friday, Sept 3rd.)

In any case, I have at last been outed for my
secret persona as a dog

How smarf of you, Brother Tom
Today, on the subway going out to Jackson Heights
(second home to Sullivan and Gordon):
with Gary, Nada, Kathy, Toni and Tom (Orange)

Nada: Aren't all my remarks ironic?
Gary: I hope not.

No irony when I mention the
the fabulous food & shopping out there
First time I ever visited this fascinating,
diverse, effervesent neighborhood.
Can't wait to see the Bollywood DVDs
and listen to the many Indian & Pakistani movie music
CD's & cassettes I bought (none over $10; most under $4) on
Gary's recommendation ; Toni
looks sparky in her new Indian outfit.

What a day...

By the way, Tom is working on a dissertation about
Clark Coolidge's poetry- can't wait to see that-
I mentioned to him I am right now reading Coolidge's
*The Rova Improvisations* (Sun and Moon) after
quite a long respite from reading (but not collecting)
Coolidge books- I confessed to reading Coolidge
at least weekly, if not more often, since the late
60's- and decided I had to give at last at least
a few other authors a try....

Clark Coolidge {click here }EPC Home Page