Distribution Automatique

Sunday, July 11

Eternal dissatisfaction leads to little productivity,
not mastery and perfection

Without patience, nothing.
Without joy, nothing.
Tonight, read Kathleen Fraser, *Twentieth Century*
a+bend press, 2000

still reading: David Markson, *Vanishing Point*,
Shoemaker & Hoard, 2000

Jordan Davis & Sarah Manguso, editors,
*Free Radicalls: American Poets Before Their First Books*,
subpress, 2004

Gary Sullivan & Nada Gordon, *Swoon*, Granary Books, 2001

Jonathan Lethem, *Motherless Brooklyn*, Vintage Contemporaries, 1999

Douglas Messerli, *First Words*, Green Integer, 2004

Tom Beckett, *Vanishing Points of Resemblance*, Generator Press, 2004

Maria Damon & Miekel And, *Literature Nation*, Potes & Poets, 2003

Charles Alexander, *Arc of Light/Dark Matter*, Chax, 1992

editors Nanos Valaoritis & Thanasis Maskaleris, *An Anthology
of Modern Greek Poetry*, Talisman House, 2003

Andrew Levy & Bob Harrison, editors,
*Crayon 4th Issue*, 2004, (includes Laura Elrick,
Rodrigo Toscano, Tina Darragh, Heriberto Yepez,
Norman Fischer, Drew Gardner)

Selected Writings of Walter Benjamin, 1938-1940, volume 4, Harvard UP, 2003

Joel Sloman, *Cuban Journal: A Poet in the Venceremos Brigade, 1970*,
Zoland Books, 2000

Frank Kuenstler, *A.I.R.*, unpublished manuscript
Frank Kuensler, *In Which*, Cairn Editions, 1994