Distribution Automatique

Tuesday, January 13

��Never Neutral (Ernesto Priego) {click here}
responds on Monday, January 12 with his "Resistances, Responses," to my response, "Blogging and Narcissism" to his Sunday, January 11 essay, "Primary Passions"


Wish I'd Said That Dep't

"The broken heart of native
for cold

Read it now on
Moonshine Highways (Amy Bernier) {click here}


Backpacking, backtracking,
time traveling with
Boynton {click here}
on a lattice of links, through a looking glass,
down a rabbit hole
to find a tam, that may
or may not be lost,
Joyce, St. Francis
and a few other things
that dogs (and blogs)
and memories can do...


Cahiers de Corey (Josh Corey) {click here} features an interesting collection of quotes from the German Romantics

Consumptive. org {click here} via The Cassandra Pages {click here} reports that the second all-internet *gridblog* is on for January 15 and the topic is "ritual"