Bibliography for "The Narcissistic Personality"
*(Highly Recommended)
4. Object Relations
*Sigmund Freud, "Contributions to the Psychology
of Love. A Special Type of Object Choice Made By Men"
(1910) in *Collected Papers volume 4*, pps. 203-216
*Annie Reich, "Narcissistic Object Choice in Women" (1953)
in *Psychoanalytic Contributions* International Universitiies
Press, pp. 179-209
Marjorie Taggert White, "Self-Relations, Object Relations
and Pathological Narcissism", The Psychoanalytic Review, Vol.
67-pp. 4-23
*DW Winnicott, *Playing and Reality*, "The Use of an Object
and Relating Through Identifications", (Tavistock, 1971 pp.86-94)