Books Received
A new book by Elaine Equi is cause for a celebration!
Just out: Click and Clone (Coffee House Press)
"I live in a clock in a corner of the future
beneath its glass gears and weightless weight-
in a room I share with numerous holograms
space being at a premium
and privacy (as we know it) a thing of the past."....
(from 'A Woman Trapped in an Aerosol Mist")
Elaine Equi on Penn Sound
* * * *
Just out by Chris Mason: Hum Who Hiccup (Narrow House)
"Hail, Library,
where homeless men
and women sit,
with the world's words:
you shelter vast
volumes of love.
I will meet you
down in the stacks."
(from Homeric Hums)
Chris Mason on Penn Sound
thanks to Chris and Elaine for sending the books!