Distribution Automatique

Friday, June 22

Mallarme: Transpositions of Reading

from Stephane Mallarme to
Georges Rodenbach 28 June, 1892

"Your human history, at times so erudite, evaporates; and the city, in the form of a vast phantom, continues, or recovers consciousness through the characters, and all that's done with a subtle certainty which instills a very pure effect. All the modern experiments in reading seek to make the poem end as a novel, and the novel as a poem, but there's no doubt the writer is hampered by too many separate items if his juxtaposition is less exact than yours is here: and if he lacks your magic."


from Stephane Mallarmet to
Emile Zola 18 March 1876

"A book whose special aesthetics are in absolute harmony with whatever mode of reading its readers may adopt is a masterpiece."